Okay so I know that I am late on this, like everything else, but here are a couple of pictures from my ultrasound from last week. One is just showing that he is a boy, and the other is of his head and spine. I didnt get any cute little ones of his face or anything because of the retard who was doing the scan was being stingy with printing. So ya that was not that great but atleast I got a couple!
Better late than never I guess! We are still trying to come up with some names for this little boy. Its proving to be harder than we thought. I just figured that we would be naming him Stetson (even if I didnt like that very much) just because thats the name that Cord loved and wanted so bad. Now, Cords dad told us that he hates that name and so that has kind of made us stop to think of some other options. A few names we have come up with are
- Connor
- Tanner
- Roman
- Noah
Other than that, all we know is that his middle name will for sure be Blake, and last name Lindsay. Cayden thinks we should name him steve (very random) or Blake Thomas Lindsay. That is because Caydens middle name is Thomas and he likes the name Blake. So I guess we will figure the whole thing out as we go. I cant wait until we finally have a name for this little guy! I need to put a name to all the kicks and punches I am feeling :)